videogamedesign in Pixel Art

Post those pixels!

Duudfell The part 3


For day 464 of coding; after a bit of time, I have applied card flipping to the start of the player's split hand


#UnderwaterDiving PRE-ALPHA DEMO 0.78.3

You are an #underwater #diver surrounded by aggressive #fish and #mines

USP: Energy <=> Life + Stamina + Oxygen

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 2024.04.22 from 0.75.0

DEMO also available on #Steam:

Rework of trees. Which is the best in your opinion?

#survival #adventure


#NinjaScroller 1.59.9 with a BEST FLOW!!!

A challenging #PixelArt #ActionRunner game with a #Retrogaming vibe🕹️

You will face #Ninja🥷, #Wolf🐺 and #Tornado🌪️

Watch 30s of #Gameplay 2024.04.22

Also available on #Steam:


DiSonic – different hedgehogs

Pixel art for today based on videogame Sonic The Hedgehog for game console Sega MegaDrive. Game, is  of course, a legendary. I know this game by emulators. And I very good to play it. Not to the very finish.


For day 463 of coding, I have applied the card flipping function to the Player's "Double Down" event

DuudFell Part 2

I am so burnt out rn

Just wanna snap my fingers and see this animation done